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Swiss chard

We recognize it and we love it thanks to its large leaves and its colored stem. It is eaten raw or cooked: the young leaves are eaten in a salad, while the more mature leaves can be sautéed in a wok. In one recipe, the stalks are cooked like celery, and the leaves, like spinach. 

Ancre 1

cooking technique

It must be cleaned well because it often traps sand and earth. If the branches are fibrous, cut the base and remove the fibers that come off like threads.

It can be pan-fried, boiled in water, steamed or even eaten raw. To prevent chard from turning black during cooking, avoid aluminum or iron pans.

If they are green or white, it is suggested to blanch them in water to soften the taste and texture.

Price range

Swiss chard costs about $3 for 1 bunch.


  • Excellent source of vitamins A and K;

  • Rich in dietary fibre;

  • Source of antioxidants;

Click hereto view their nutrition facts.

Did you know?

It is also called the chard and is a plant close to the beet. The term "carde", which comes from the Latin carduus, means "thistle".

How to choose it

It tastes bitter, but the more colorful the stalk, the sweeter it will be. Look for Swiss chard with very green stems and leaves, without spots or wilts, firm, well colored, with a brittle stem, with very white chard, without brown spots.


Available from June to October.


  • Refrigerator: To preserve the freshness of Swiss chard, we recommend storing it in the refrigerator and consuming it within 5 days. To prolong this preservation time, it is advisable to separate the leaves from the stems and place them in different perforated bags. 

  • Freezer: After blanching in boiling water, Swiss chard can be placed in the freezer. Thus, it will keep perfectly for several months.


On older plants, separate the leaves from the stems. Prepare the first like spinach, the second like asparagus.


At the last minute, toss chopped Swiss chard into the pasta cooking water and drain everything together.

Additional links

-Equiterre sheet

-Recipe ideas

-Explanatory video


Recipe ideas


Pan-fried salmon and Swiss chard with mustard sauce

A healthy and easy to prepare meal.

To view the recipe,Click here.

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